sobota, 27 lipca, 2024

Buying roses on-line ( one spot near Warsaw) – autumn sales starts now


Near Warsaw we can find some interesting places which are historically known from Roses plantations. One of them is Końskowola located on the way to Kazimierz Dolny one of the preferable weekend excursion spots from Warsaw. Końskowola is commonly known as the heart of plant nurseries in Poland and both with Kutno( łodzkie voivodeship) is most probably the coolest roses-oriented place in Poland.

Of course, if we plan to visit Końskowola the most preferable time is a time of roses flourishing so June/July, but not only. The top tourism event organized in Końskowola takes place in July known as the Days of Roses, a lot of events/ exhibitions take part.

In Końskowola and nearby we will of course find a lof of beautiful places where roses are planted, especially for photographers and Instagramers. Of course, the place has a lot of undeveloped potential still, and could easily be developed as one of the beloved places for wedding photo sessions or city Instagrames, let’s hope.

Basically, several visits to Konskowala made in me the growing idea to have my own garden of roses. Starting from the beginning of last year, would like to share some experiences and recommend online spots where to buy roses, also some tips about which roses to choose for a good beeging. No surprise one of the most preferred online shops for roses is based in Konskowola. –

Where to find inspiration which roses to choose for beginners

Of course, if we start our journey with roses plantation is essential to choose right. In my case, my location is in the east of Poland, not so rich soil and quite problematic in terms of water. So I was looking for roses matching this criteria. You can find a lot of spaces where to look for inspiration of course most of them are only in PL – but sometimes You can have feedback in ENG too. A very interesting FB group about roses is Róże Macieja ( Maciejs roses) where I find a lot of info about Zephrine Drouhin and Pilgrim/Auswalker. A lot of nice photos of roses You will find on Ranczo Elma – also located in the Konskowala area. Nice photos of Zephrine Drouhin will be found on Blog Leaondary too.

What roses I have chosen – for difficult conditions/ fast growing/good for beginners

After all the research – I have opted for Zepihrine Drouhin – this niche rose has a lot of advantages, is growing fast, does not need a lot of sun and is good also for hedges purposes. Hedge made by roses is my dream I will start to make it happen this autumn, My Zepihrine Dorouhins are already waiting to be replanted in the designated place.

The other reasonable choice is Ghisleine de Feligonde -known in Polish as Gizelka, this rose is also easygoing. Very strong and good for difficult conditions this year roses have already proven can grow fast and flourishing well. The other advantage of this rose is a lot of flowers from bottom to the top this is unique for rambler-type rose. Moreover the flowers of this rose are changing colours, orange in the begging and then becoming white. In consequence at the same time we have various colors on the same rose.

The next choice is Rose de Resht – this rose is chosen because of its beatifull smell, flourishing regularly during the season and poss even being used for some eatable products like roses marmolade. You can even buy one been in Konskowola in the Różana Manufaktura store.

Not the end – I have also recently bought couple of Pilgrim/Auswalker roses, these are particulary nice. Beautiful yellow color and fast growing are main advantages. Last but not least, the flowers of this rose are quite strong and stable, always presenting good.

In the end some niche roses which are difficult to find normally, the one is Malvern Hills (foto above)this is an interesting Rambler from David Austin collection. The photos You can find on internet are really astonishing. I have bought a couple of them to be planted just near the old trees the dream is to have them climbing on these trees  right to the top. This year these roses have proven their ability reaching easily 2 meters hight will see what will happen in 2024. In the end the last choice is Guilrlande dAmour this white rose is kind of similar to Malvern Hills but can be planted as standard hights too, but the rambler style is much more interesting to me, will observe it next year. And where to buy all these jewels – below some tips.

Preferred on-line shop to buy roses near Warsawa – ( Konskowola area)

On the first place the shop which is physically located to Końskowla . I had very good experience with them they are very professional in all the areas. What is interesting they have a notification system working very well, so if the given rose is not available now , you will be notified while it is on sale.

Being located on the east of Poland they have also another advantage. The time of shiping to the Warsaw area is faster, important especially during the summer (temperature). Also, the prices are quite cheaper than other shops located in western Poland ( near the German border). Price difference is quite visible when we look into Pilgrim / Auswalker or Ghislein, this is also one of the few shops where you can find my preferred Zephirine. And of course, Rose de Resht which is highly recomended.

Other shops to be recommended too – some with unique selling points

The other shops worth mentioning – one of them is they do publish a lot of materials about Roses on internet – but of course in Polish. The uniqueness of this shop is the offering of unique roses hardly available in the other places. A good example is mentioned above Malvern Hills, I have bought this rose and till now I am very pleased with the service offered by this shop.

The third one to be recommended is , this shop tends to have big availability during the season so while in the other places You will not find roses available here You can still buy ones. In this shop, I have bought Zephrine and Ghislein de Feligonde too. Again the uniqueness of this shop is poss to buy Rose de Resht grahed on the trunk ( so 0.8 m high) this is nice. I have two of them already. The other selling point is like in the case of Hyzowie. pl is offering some very rare and unique types of roses, in my case it was Guirlande d Amour – a beatifull whiter climber. Hardly avialable in Poland.

Autumn sales have started good availability of roses to be planted this year- Let benefit

The autumn sales period started at the begging of september You can buy beautiful roses now and plant them to be happy while seeing them flourishing in June 2024. Most of the above-mentioned shops are showing availability for unique roses now. I have personally bought additional quantities of Auswalker Pilgrim and Ghislein de Feligonde in waiting for the delivery.

Hope You will find the same joy as me, to start Your rosarium/garden of roses. Do not forget to visit Końskowola – on the way to Kazimierz Dolny – maybe even this Year.

The story will continue- will report how my roses are growing in 2024 and if a hedge of roses made from Zeprihine Drouhin is working well – keep your fingers crossed, please.

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