wtorek, 22 października, 2024

New water park Julinek just near Warsaw and not crowded

After years of planning and preparation finally, new water park was opened in Julinek. This way we have another fancy water spot just near Warsaw, just take a look to its main attractions.

New life for former circus winter base in Julinek 

Julinek was in the old times known from its winter /training circus base , probably one of the most famous in Poland. Still, we can find a lot of evidence of the past. The two buildings known as small and big arena are still on the place, now renovated and ready for the new future. During the weekend we can also enjoy some circus attractions organized by young people some of them still taking acrobatic-circus education in that place.

But now Julinek is moving more and more forward towards the modern amusement park. Its main advantages is its glorius location just near Kampinoski National Reserve Park, more over the place is still relatively unknown by a lot of people living in Warsaw, so often is much more less crowded than the other places of this type.

At the beginning of amusement park creation – a lot of attention was placed on rope park. The owners managed to create potentially the biggest rope park You can find near Warsaw. There are a lot of routes here from very easy ones for small children to the more difficult ones situated quite high .. challenging even those the bravest.

Apart of rope park there was always big need to create a water attractions, from the begging we could find an inflantable water park here but the the plans were always much more ambitious.

Here we are brand new water park in Julinek – 40 min drive from WAW

So finally after pandemic we have new water park opened. It looks really nice, as a heart of the park there is a big place with water slides. The small water gym is in the center, this one is designated for smaller childs.
Just near the rope park are we can find also quite a big swimming pool. the deepest point here is more then 2m. As we look around its not difficult to notice that it will be more attractions coming in the month ahead, potentially another swimming pool will be ready at the end of summer.
What is important that we have enormous rest area surrounding all water attractions , this can accommodate hundreds of peope easily. Also cullinary infrastucture will meet all our expectations. Water park is going to be opened potentially till the end of September ( weekends) , as always depending on the weather conditions. But without doubt, this attraction will make Julinek much more attractive that it was before.

Prices – all inclusive formula -great prices for senior citizens

Before park was allowing entrance for free for basic attractions, now the approach has changed we can choose only „all-inclusive” formula. with or without water park included. So if we want to focus on rope park there is no need to pay for water park option. But without doubt the difference is not that big and to fully enjoy the visit we should take all inn Water Park ticket, in that case family ticket will cost us 339 pln ( 2+2 option)Worth to mention very special prices for senior citizens, if we have grandparents in Warsaw its a good idea to send them there with our child , we can save money this way 🙂 Senior citizen (60 +)pays only 19pln for its entrance.

3*Hotel on the place with special promo fares

Worth to mention that there is also renovated small hotel at the same place. Especially during off season we can find incredibly attractive offers here prices going down below 200 pln for double room which is quite an attractive tarffi. Moreover all people staying at the hotel are entitled for 20% discount for amusement park entrance.

Time to discover less known water attractions in the surrindings of Warsaw, without hesitation Julinek water park is worth to be visited. If we like rope parks the combination of active exercises and relax on water park is a perfect one. This is main selling point of Julinek.

Paragliding just near Warsaw with paralotniowa-puznowka.pl just 40 minutes from capital

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