wtorek, 22 października, 2024

Paragliding just near Warsaw with paralotniowa-puznowka.pl just 40 minutes from capital


We have more and more air attractions in the proximity of Warsaw. Spring is the becoming of the tourism season for them. We can enjoy a balloon excursion in the Biebrza region but also try to test paragliding just very near from Warsaw, in Puznówka village.

Paragliders region in Pilawa county

Traditions of paragliding were spreading in the Pilawa region from the 90ties. That’s why we have at least 3 runways located in that area. The oldest one is in the village of Gocław, the other in Kalonka and the third one in Puznówka In total we have 9 paraglider pilots in the region. The majority of them are practicing it as a hobby, but only Mr Jarek started his commercial project paralotniowa-puzownowka.pl and trying to develop it since 2016.

Overflying Świder river or may be the even Vistula with paralotniowa-puznowka

The flight with paralotniowa Puzonówka has usually a range of 10-20 km, we can fly over the area of Pilawa Garwolin and Parysów. The most spectacular route is to overfly the river of Świder which is beautifully meandering in the region of Kołbiel and its proximity.

There is also the possibility to book some extra routing like overflying the Vistula River, this is also spectacular but requires to use of the other runway located nearer to the river.

The pilot can take on board one passenger up to 105 kg, this season paralotniowa-puzonowka is upgrading its paraglider to increase that capacity to 110-115kg. There is also the possibility to take kids but from the age of 9-10, and the weight of 30kg minimum.

Flying paraglider near Warsaw key info

The flight usually consists of various elements, so-called high flight on the height of 150-200 meters, low pass at 2-3 meters, and the possibility to add some acrobatic elements. The ones depend on passenger capabilities.

For paragliding the weather is a key factor, the wind must be calm, that is why the flights are usually organized in the early morning or late afternoon. That s also very good for fotogtapphers because during this period of the day conditions are the best.

Due to new express road S17 now we can reach Puzonowks in approx 40 minutes drive from Warsaw, so even early morning departure of our flight is not a big problem for those who like to sleep longer 🙂

Paragliding vouchers mainly bought as presents

Paralotniowa puznowska is selling different packages/vouchers consisting 20/30 /40 minutes duration flights. There is also the possibility to buy special options regarding video registration.

Flights are very often bought as presents, this is mainly because it’s one of the most original and spectacular attractions You can find near Warsaw, not underestimating the fact that this is an individual attraction so you are not dependent on anyone else to redeem Your voucher.

Besides Paragliding it will be also ceramic lessons

The paralotniowa-puznowska founder Mr. Jarek has also another interesting hobi which is ceramics. We can expect the opening of his commercial activity in 2022, so it is probable that during this season clients may combine both activities if they wish.

Spring is coming it’s time to look for air attractions near Warsawa, paragliding is one of the best choices, and espcajilly now when thanks to paralotniowa-puzonowks we can experience it so close to Warsaw.

Book Your flight and enjoy beautiful views over the Swider River or maybe you will have a chance to overfly the biggest polish river the Vistula and enjoy views of Warsaw Skyscrapers experienced from the sky perspective.

Balloon excursions near Warsaw spring is the best time to experience it


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