piątek, 20 września, 2024

The SKIERNIEWICE Roundhouse – must-see for train lovers living near to Warsaw


Night of the Museums is a perfect timing to visit the place but is also opened during other dates ( children day )

The tourist season in the Skierniewice round house is starting in spring. This very original, industrial monument, thanks to the A2 motorway is practically near Warsaw. Normally the place is only opened for visiting during so called opened days. Great occasion to visit it is the Museum Night usually mid of May., We had the opportunity to visit the round house in the night scenery. It was no adventure. Service has prepared special light and audio effects on the hall. It must be admitted that this exposure method has fully fulfilled its role.

A great recognition also deserves servicing, volunteers of the Association of the Caring Commercial Engineering very happy to answer every question, serving their railway knowledge. You could also listen about ongoing work on the property. The place gets a new roof. Certainly, the roof will create new opportunities in the future when it comes to the exhibition of the stock collected here.

The reconstruction of the wagon for transporting beer is very interesting. This is a very labor-intensive process and probably will last many months. We can help him leaving money in the engine money for renovation. Let’s also not forget about support under 1% tax donation.

During the night of museums, the visiting tour was slightly shortened due to the fact that the night conditions cause some limitations Sightseeing route During subsequent standard open days, it is over twice as long as this during the night. We visit a guided train station, which is especially valuable for children.

The monumental Steam Steamers and the Roundhouse are impressive

Of course, the hallmarks markings are outdoor monumental steam steamers. In fact, they do much greater impression than in the pictures. The height of a few meters is impressive.

The turntable with a diameter of 23 meters is also original. Although it is not presented during open days, it also looks extremely interesting.

Spring and summer season is the best time to visit the site. Subsequent weekends are a number of dates in which it will be open. Technical workshops, Children’s Day, Rally Żuk are just some of the possible weekend proposals to consider.

A trip to Skierniewice can also connect with a weekend trip to Nieborów, Łowicz or moving in an industrial climate to the industrial jewel city of  Żyrardów.

If we are fascinated by photography, we can also choose photo workshops, under which the the place changes into the open air. There is much easier to do a good picture in a situation specifically for this arranged.

So planning another weekend in the vicinity of Warsaw, we must take into account this original, museum facility. Children who loves locomotives will go crazy happy here. Its also worth to support amazing job done by local train lovers who sacrificed their time and money to make this place alive.

This year the first open day was organized on 5th of June and the next one is planned on first weekend of July (3rd). Its an unique opportunity to visit this industrial pearl which is really very near to Warsaw.

The Skierniewice Roundhouse is easy reachable from Warsaw by train. As its located just near to the Skierniewice main station. Moreover if we use ŁKA weekend trains circulating from Warsaw to Łodz we can enjoy an additional discount of 50% for a return ticket.

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