sobota, 27 lipca, 2024

Winter Swimming Warsaw 4 most popular spots where to practice winter swimming


Winter Swiming is getting more and more popular each year. The boom has started around 2017-18 and now we have several thousand people which are active winter swimmers in the area of Warsaw. If You can join them here the most interesting groups and spots to do so.

Winter swimming 4 best places in Warsaw where to practise winter swimming summary

  1. Krio -faza Pruszków- best place for western Mazovia
  2. Zielonka good spot for eastern Warsaw districts
  3. Warsaw Rusałka Beach ( ZOO) for beginners and not only
  4. Czerniakowskie lake – good for Wilanów/Mokotów

Krio-faza in Pruszków – western Mazovia region

Probably the oldest group which is practicing winter swimming in the area of Warsaw. Pruszków can be reached very fast by car because of the A2 motorway this is also a good connection by local train.

The group is practicing mainly on Sunday around 12.00 but You will find people also during evening hours. The place is well marked on google maps, find it by typing Krio Faza Morszy Pruszków. It’s all legal as the group has received authorization from local authorities a couple of years ago, good to note that individual ( one person) swimming is forbidden due to security reasons.

The Krio Faza group is also well known for its winter excursions to the Baltic Sea or Silesia region. You will not regret joining this highly positive group of people.

Worth to note some other interesting touristic spots in Pruszków, first one is Gallery of Steel Figures the other is small but nice museum of ancient metallurgy as Pruszków area was one of metallurgy centers in ancients times.

Gallery of Steel Figures Pruszków near Warsaw – from the garage to international expansion

Morsy Zielonka – direction east from Warsaw

If You live in the eastern districts of Warsaw, Morsy Zielonka might be a choice for You. This group is practicing during the weekend on the small water spot called Glinki, Glinianki Zielonka. The access is very good, its also possible to reach Zielonka by local train.

The spot is much more natural than the one in Pruszkow and the group is also fantastic. A lot of fans of running You can find there too. They are also participating in some more extreme activities like bypassing the Vistula River in Włocławek and Warsaw of course.

Standard winter swimming hours in Zielonka are 8.30 morning Saturday and Sunday.


Warsaw -ZOO beach Rusałka – with Vistula District ( Dzielnica Wisła)

Dzielnica Wisła ( Vistula District) is responsible for promoting all positive activities related to our beloved river. As winter swimming was getting more and more popular they have started to organize Winter Swiming academy. To appeal to newcomers to this sport but not only.

Joint Winter swimming activities are organized each Sunday 10.00-12.00(registration from 9.30), starting from November and lasting till mid of March. Sometimes there are also some nice surprises like participation of wooden ships from nearby Czerniakowski Port, the Dar Mazowsza is worth to be seen.

If You are trained enough in winter swimming You can try to bypass the Vistula River, the event is usually taking place in Warsaw around mid-December.

Morsy Jezioro Czerniakowskie – the best spot for Wilanów and Ursynów for winter swimming

Probably the biggest community of winter swimmers in Warsaw is linked to Jezioro Czerniakowskie. Around 10 000 are present in the FB group. The main practicing hours are Saturday 13.00, and Sunday 11.00.

The spot is not that nice as the one in Zielonka but practicing winter swimming here has also other nice advantages. For example sunrise events, the sunrise here is spectacular due to its geographical location. Usually can experience it around 7-7.20 am. There is an opportunity to practice it in the group, just check the next sunrise joint winter swimming on the FB group of Morsy Warszawa Jezioro Czerniakowskie.

Winter Swiming is getting more and more popular in Warsaw. Apart of these mentioned above becoming slowly epic spots, You will find others of course for example in the area of Zegrze artificial lake. Do not hesitate to start practicing winter swimming all the groups are very positive and extremely open to foreigners. Let’s start winter swimming in Warsaw.

Places to swim around Warsaw, lakes and beaches on the rivers near Warsaw

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